ClubSport San Ramon Newsletter Articles

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

21 Days to a New Habit

We have all heard it before: It take 21 days to form a new habit.


Perhaps this is easier said than done. Either way, let's think of it this way

Without a doubt, you will make a New Years Resolution. As much as you try to fight this urge, you will have in your mind one thing you'd like to set as your "goal." However, how many years have you found yourself "(un) resolving" just as soon as you've set out to resolve? Problem solved - 2 words -  December 10th. START your New Years Resolution that day. Continue on until January 1st. And on January 1st, you will have gone 21 days. Your habit, thus, formed and your New Years Resolution coming to life!

Something to think about! Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Avoiding the Dreaded Holiday Weight Gain

It's definitely one of the best times of the year!


There are parties, festivals and spending time with family and friends. But, it's also the time of year when the average person gains 5-7 pounds because of extra food and drinks. This fact is no reason not to enjoy this Holiday Season! Just be smart about it. 

WebMD gives their 10 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain. Here are our Top 4 ways that you can "lose" the holiday "gain:"
  1.  Never Arrive Hungry - Arriving hungry to a party full of food and drinks is the equivalent to grocery shopping on an empty stomach. You are bound to make "impulse purchases." Fill up before heading out. 
  2. Limit Alcohol - Often times alcohol is one of the first things we reach for when we arrive to a gathering. That's OK. Having one glass of something is OK. The problem is when we have more than that. Not only do the calories, empty calories, add up, but we are then also more inclined to eating anything and everything in sight. Our eyes become bigger than our stomachs. The food tastes so good and ultimately, we lose control. Stick with one drink and an appetizer or two! Or better yet, sparkling water and veggies, fruit and/or almonds!
  3. Be Choosy About Sweets - Holiday parties are often times "stacked" with plates upon plates of desserts. Typically there are several different kinds of desserts, too. Don't use that as your excuse to "have a little of each." Stick with one - maybe two - that look the best to you. Keep the proportion in check. If you are going to eat it, ENJOY it! 
  4. Walk It Off -  It's much easier to say "don't overindulge" than it is to follow that advice. If you do overindulge, don't make excuses for working it off, too! Go for a walk. Go to the gym. Run. Skip. Hop. Do pushups. The list could go on and on. The point is - move!
With the holidays right around the corner, we hope these few tips have helped! Keeping yourself in check will without a doubt keep that 5-7 pound weight gain off!

ClubSport San Ramon is having a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning at 7:30am. We are also having a 2-hour Cycle Class, beginning at 7:30am. December promises to have many more activities to keep us all in shape as well!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Economic Benefits of Regular Exercise

Enjoy this in-depth study from IHRSA on The Economic Benefits of Regular Exercise.

Click on each picture to be taken to the larger version!

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

the healing power of exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise

The Economic Beneftis of Regular Exercise,exercise