ClubSport San Ramon Newsletter Articles

Thursday, January 28, 2010

TRX - A New Kind of Challenge

TRX: Suspension Training. Did you know we have this great, new workout form at ClubSport San Ramon

So what is TRX? TRX Training "is a revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercise." TRX has:
  • Unlimited Versatility - builds strength, balance, flexibility and core stability with hundreds of functional exercises that can easily adjust to all fitness levels. 
  • Builds strength, balance, flexibility and core stability for all fitness levels -  delivers results with dynamic total body exercises that appeal to both men and women, no matter what their fitness goals.
(All Material taken from

You can find more information about TRX at ClubSport San Ramon by clicking HERE.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

25 Social Media Sites to Help You Live Longer and Healthier

We found this Blog today, with a posting titled, "25 Social Media Sites to Help You Live Longer and Healthier."

In it they say, 
"Social media also allows people to get the proverbial second opinion – along with 3rd, 4th, 5th, and even 38th opinions if he so desires. If you’re looking for information on how to improve your health and overall quality of life, you’ll definitely benefit from consulting a health-centered social media website."
They continue on with the 25 best websites out there to help you live longer and healthier. I think you will enjoy their comprehensive list, which can be found by clicking HERE.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Top 10 Ways to Get Healthy in 2010

Like most people, you probably set out for a big 2010 New Year's Resolution! Today is January 20th, so if you have stuck with it, you have almost created your habit. If you have not stuck with it, no worries, we are here to help! 

Personal Trainer Melanie Holloway has provided the "Top 10 Ways to Get Healthy in 2010 Handout" by Diane Lofshult for you.

Diane says there is "no magic bullet to get in shape," and that you just need, "simple, easy ways to improve your health in 2010."

Here is her list:
  1. Switch from regular soda to diet, and pass on sugar-laden energy drinks.
  2. Never skip breakfast.
  3. Drink alcohol only on weekends, if at all.
  4. Use olive oil instead of butter on bread when cooking.
  5. Chew your food slowly, and always sit down when you eat.
  6. Substitute sweet potatoes or yams for white potatoes.
  7. Always ask for salad dressing on the side.
  8. Choose dairy products that are fat free or 1%.
  9. Ask restaurant servers to bring you half your meal and to put the other half in a doggie bag to take home.
  10. Replace your regular dishes with smaller salad plates.


    IDEA Fitness Journal, Volume 7, Number 1
    January 2010

    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    Stretching at the Office

    Are you someone who sits behind a desk for most of the day?

    Sitting behind a desk has its disadvantages for your overall physical well being. However, there are several ways you can stretch and other things to combat this problem.

    Personal Trainer Patti Tobenkin has provided the, "Office Stretch Handout" by Lenny Parracino for your reference.
    This handout was created for the office employee who spends most of the day seated at a desk. The following tips will help you to survive during an average workday.
    1.     Sit with proper posture: Slumping in your chair may feel better at times, but in the long term, your body will pay for it. This position puts a lot of strain on your spine, causing more pressure on the disks between the vertebrae, thus possibly leading to an injury. Sitting with poor posture will also increase the risk of low back pain and muscle stiffness.
    2.    Adjust your computer: Be sure you are not straining your neck trying to look down or up at your computer screen. The monitor should be visible by looking straight ahead.
    3.   Switch ears: If you are consistently using the telephone on the same side, be sure to switch. Most people rest the phone on their shoulder, causing the shoulder and neck muscles to tense. Failure to switch sides will cause muscle imbalances and possibly lead to headaches and neck and shoulder stiffness. Ultimately, a headset (hand-free phone) should be used to help alleviate such complications.
    4.    Remodel the work area: Periodically, be sure to change your work area, especially for commonly used items. This will prevent your body from developing muscle imbalances due to repetitive stress.
    5.    Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Throughout the day, frequently stretch your fingers (spread them apart and flex and extend them) and stretch your wrists (flex and extend them and move them in circular motions) to prevent chronic strain. Also, having a proper set up at your desk will help in the prevention of this syndrome: 1) align your wrists so your fingers are in line with your forearm; 2) make sure your keyboard is not tilted up in the back. It is better to have it tilting down; and 3) try to type lightly.
    6.    Take mini breaks: Sitting in the same position all day long will cause lack of circulation throughout your body, leading to tingling in your fingers and toes as well as swelling in your feet. Taking small intermittent breaks throughout the day will help regain the circulation. Also, when sitting for a long period of time, your spine remains in a state of compression. Therefore, small breaks will help to decompress your spine, which will help reduce the chance of back pain. Lastly, relieving yourself from work, even for a short period of time, will help decrease mental stress. Taking a small break can be taking a walk to the restroom or coffee machine, walking up a flight of stairs, stretching or simply moving your body.
    7.    Stretch your muscles: There are common muscles that tend to tense for those who spend the day sitting. These muscles include, but are not limited to, the neck, shoulders and back. Common stretches include:

    Neck and Shoulders:
    o  Sitting or standing, allow your arms to hang at your sides.
    o  Tilt your head sideways to your shoulder.
    o  Put slight pressure on your head by pushing down with hand (If your head is tilted to right shoulder, use right hand).
    o   With opposite arm, reach for the floor.
    o   Hold for 15 seconds.
    o   Repeat on the other side.
    Back and Shoulders:
    o  Standing or sitting, reach one arm over your head.
    o  With the opposite arm, reach toward the floor.
    o  Hold for 15 seconds.
    o  Repeat on the opposite side.

    Standing or sitting, place hands on your hips.
    o  Slowly twist at your waist as if you were looking over your shoulder.
    o  Hold for 15 seconds.
    o  Repeat on the opposite side.
    8.    Performing mini exercises: Just as the above stretches will help to strengthen your body and maintain good posture, performing mini exercises throughout the day is also extremely beneficial. Common exercises include:

    Seated Posture (very important exercise):
    o        Without using the backrest, sit with feet flat on the floor.
    o        Keep your chest up high.
    o        Keep your shoulders back, with your palms facing forward.
    o        Take four deep breaths (from your belly).
    o        Perform frequently throughout the day.
    o        Stand in proper posture.
    o        Draw belly button inward (as if you were making your waist smaller).
    o        Slowly squat down as if you were picking up something.
    o        Keep your knees straight in line with your toes.
    o        Repeat 5-10 times.

    Wall Push-Ups:
    o        Stand at an angle to a wall, leaning forward.
    o        Place both hands on the wall, slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
    o        Lean forward, bending your arms at the elbows.
    o        Keep your chest up, and be careful not to overarch your lower back.
    o        Legs should remain straight and feet flat on floor.
    o        Push back to start position.
    o        Repeat 5-10 times.
    9.    Lunch breaks - not just for lunch: Walk to a nearby restaurant, walk for half of your lunch hour, roller blade, go to a nearby gym... the bottom line is to move as much as possible! You will be amazed by the power of exercise. It helps to reduce physical and emotional stress, it gives you a feeling of accomplishment, it keeps your body healthy, and it is a great way to stay in shape.
    10. Fuel your body: Drink plenty of fluids. This will help you to keep your body hydrated and working most efficiently. Dehydration can cause you to feel tired and sluggish. Eat small meals throughout the day to fuel your body properly. Think of your body as if it were a fireplace. If you put too much wood (food) on the fire at once, the fire will get smothered and burn out. If you continually add wood (food) to the fire, it will eventually die out. However, if you add small amounts of wood (food) all day long to the fire, it will continue to burn. This is analogous to your metabolism. If you do not continually fuel it, it will burn out. Don’t make the mistake of smothering your metabolism; small meals every three hours will keep it burning. Overall, you will feel more energetic and you will not be hungry. Thus, you will be more efficient at work.
    Date Released : 01 May 2000


    Monday, January 18, 2010

    3 – Bean Turkey Chili

    It's Monday and it's raining in the East Bay!

    The weather can often times lead to our "success rate" of making it to the gym dwindle very quickly! But don't let it! Think of it like this, you can't be outside anyways, so you might as well pack that gym back and head inside for a workout. We guarantee that not only will you keep dry, but you will also feel better post-workout to combat those "rainy day blues!"

    Today we have a wonderful Rainy Day Soup Recipe for you, courtesy of ClubSport San Ramon Personal Trainer, Judy Corbett:

    3 – Bean Turkey Chili

    • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
    • 1 Small Onion, diced
    • 1 lb Lean Ground Turkey Breast
    • 2 cans diced tomatoes with jalapenos 
    • 1 10.5 oz can of each of White beans, Black beans, and Kidney Beans; all drained
    • 1 can low-sodium chicken broth
    •  ¼ tsp salt
    • ½ tsp cumin
    • 1/8 tsp cinnamon
    • 3/8 tsp cayenne pepper
    Cooking Instructions

    In a large pot, heat the oil on medium-low.  Add the diced onion and sauté until soft (3 to 5 minutes).  Add the ground turkey and brown it (about 5 minutes). Add the remaining ingredients.  Stir and bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.  Optional: top with low-fat shredded cheddar cheese when serving.

    Makes 6 servings.  

    Nutritional Facts

    Per serving:
    300 calories
    5 g fat
    32 g carbs
    787 mg sodium
    11 g fiber
    30 g protein

    Enjoy your workouts and then enjoy this wonderful, healthy and warm soup!

    Friday, January 15, 2010

    Whew...First Full Week Complete

    You did it! Your first full week of ClubChallenge 2010 is complete!

    How do you feel? Have you been staying committed to YOU? We hope so!

    Please remember that tomorrow, Saturday, January 16 from 10-11am we will have our Weekly Workout for ClubChallenge 2010 in the Gym. This promises to be a fun and challenging time to keep you moving and motivated!

    Dr. Joseph Mercola has two great articles from today that we wanted to share with you. Please click on the links below to be taken there.
    1. Will You Get Big & Bulky if You Lift Weights?
    2. What Should You Eat After Your Workout?

    Please see the left side panel of our Blog where it says, "What is Your Favorite Thing About ClubChallenge 2010?" We encourage you to check off all the ones that apply and vote as often as you'd like. This will help us for future Programs! You can also send other suggestions in email format by clicking HERE

    Have a happy, healthy and safe weekend!
